Click here to register for CoreTrade AN.
For a smooth online registration process, please ensure that you have the following documents, saved in PDF format (unless otherwise stated), in your computer before you proceed.
- Worker’s NRIC (for Singaporean and Singapore PR) or valid work permit/employment pass (for foreigner)(front and back in a single page)
(Please ensure that the permit / employment pass has a validity period of at least 30 days from date of submission). For company application, the name of the employer must be similar to the employer stated in the foreign worker’s work pass.
- Skill Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge) [SEC/SEC(K)] or approved technical/academic qualification (foreign work permit holders who have obtained their [SEC/SEC(K)] previously are not required to attach this certificate).
- Valid Crane Operation Licence issued by the Ministry of Manpower (front and back in a single page).
(This is mandatory for all licensed crane operators).
- Valid Plumber or Electrician Licence.
(This is mandatory for all licensed plumber or electrician).
- Worker’s employment details (for work permit holder) obtained via the Ministry of Manpower website (WP Online), to verify applicant’s years of local construction experience.
(This is mandatory for all foreign work permit holders).
Click here to go to MOM WP Online.
Click here to view sample of the correct attachment and required information.

Click here to register for Multi-Skilling AN.
For a smooth online registration process, please ensure that you have the following documents, saved in PDF format (unless otherwise stated), in your computer before you proceed.
- Worker’s NRIC (for Singaporean and Singapore PR) or valid work permit/employment pass (for foreigner)(front and back in a single page)
(Please ensure that the permit / employment pass has a validity period of at least 30 days from date of submission). For company application, the name of the employer in the application must be similar to the employer stated in the foreign worker’s work pass.
- Worker’s employment details (for work permit holder) obtained via the Ministry of Manpower website (WP Online), to verify applicant’s years of local construction experience. (This is mandatory for all foreign work permit holders). Click here to go to MOM WP Online. Click here to view sample of the correct attachment and required information.
- Approved Safety Course Certificates
- Must have an active email account

Click here to register for CET AN under CoreTrade Scheme
For a smooth online registration process, please ensure that you have the following documents, saved in PDF format (unless otherwise stated), in your computer before you proceed.
- Worker’s NRIC (for Singaporean and Singapore PR) or valid work permit/employment pass (for foreigner)(front and back in a single page)
(Please ensure that the permit / employment pass has a validity period of at least 30 days from date of submission). For company application, company UEN no. is required and the name of the name of the employer must be similar to the employer stated in the foreign worker’s work pass.
- Skill Evaluation Certificate [SEC/SEC(K)] or approved technical/academic qualification and licence (if any).
- Worker’s employment details (for work permit holder) obtained via the Ministry of Manpower website (WP Online), to verify applicant’s years of local construction experience.
(This is mandatory for all foreign work permit holders).
Click here to go to MOM WP Online.
Click here to view sample of the correct attachment and required information.
Click here to register for CET AN under Multi-Skilling Scheme
For a smooth online registration process, please ensure that you have the following documents, saved in PDF format (unless otherwise stated), in your computer before you proceed.
- Worker’s NRIC (for Singaporean and Singapore PR) or valid work permit/employment pass (for foreigner)(front and back in a single page)
(Please ensure that the permit / employment pass has a validity period of at least 30 days from date of submission). For company application, company UEN no. is required and the name of the employer in the application must be similar to the employer stated in the foreign worker’s work pass.
- Worker’s employment details (for work permit holder) obtained via the Ministry of Manpower website (WP Online), to verify applicant’s years of local construction experience. (This is mandatory for all foreign work permit holders). Click here to go to MOM WP Online. Click here to view sample of the correct attachment and required information.
- Approved Safety Course Certificates
- Must have an active email account